Monday, October 26

I want to live in the Northern Hemisphere

Simply so I can hold a baby hedgehog too.

So cute I am still making little squealing noises.
Look at it's little mouth, and its tiny spikes, and its pink feet, and its tiny but big ears, and its black shiny eyes, andandandand...

Go on, you know you want to squeal too in my comments!


petrafanella said...

wow, that is so cute!!! so much cuter than an echidna!!! Awwwww...

Niina A. said...

I am the same!!! I want a hedgie sooooo bad. My mom used to carry them home in her skirts when she was a kid, so jealous! I hope I get to cuddle some when I go to Finland :)

osmosis designs said...

those photos are too cute!
We used to get them hiding out in the garden when I was a kid in London & we'd put out bowls of bread & milk before we went to bed. It'd all be gone in the morning. The only problem was that when we did see them, they were alive with fleas... not so cute then! Never saw one quite so tiny & sweet as that.

Anonymous said...

that is so cute!!!... just lovely I want to hold it : )

mara x

p.s just saw your Katie Did purse on madeit ... it's GORGEOUS!

fruzsi said...

oh my gosh!!!.. the cutest little thing ever!!!