Tuesday, December 14

Day 6 : Mountains of Glass Houses & Berries of Straw

The day's events consisted of driving, driving, and going on a wild sign chase that lead us down about 20 differnt roads, tracks and such to a strawberry farm where we picked a whole box (like the one I'm holding) FULL of berries for just $15! More than 3/4 of them went yuk in the days afterwards, but i think its just becuase we didnt put them in the fridge so they all got cooped up and ripened together too quick. I ate them for about 4 days afterwards as my breakfast with greek yoghurt... yummmm.

Earlier in the day we'd stopped by the Glasshouse Mountains, the place where my grandfathers family ran a pinapple farm after moving here as Irish potato famine immigrants, from what I can gather. I took so photos from the lookout of course...

And of the house my grandfather was brought up in. Please be noted my Mums parents and grandparents (both maternal and paternal) have MAJOR ISSUES. Well, only two do technically as they're the only ones alive. Makes me so grateful that I'm in Perth away from all the drama that has gone down and continiues to constantly. If I know you, get me to tell you what happened on this holiday a few days later...

The old house is of course "nothing like it used to be", and is now surrounded by macadamia trees instead of pinapples. Oh, you must look up pictures of pinapple plants that have pinapples on them. Freakiest. Shit. Ever.

1 comment:

Renee said...

I been to the glass house mountains and was loaded up on lotsa strawberries! I was wearing a sari wrap thing that I bought from Byron Bay. I wore it everywhere on holiday and haven't worn it since. Funny.